Join us in Atlanta for our 48th annual juggling festival at the Yaarab Shrine Center. Dates are Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2026 (Check back later this year to confirm). Details here and on our festival Facebook page.
Lists of performers, sponsors, volunteers, photos, videos and other details of the festival
Winners of the coveted PHIL trophies this year were:
"Screamingly Fresh" - Galen Harp
"Most Whimsical" - Tohm Pace
"Playfully Clever" - Caleb Black
Seven of us marched in the Halloween Parade at Little Five Points on Oct 20, 2024.
FREE JUGGLING LESSONS! Let's celebrate World Juggling Day on Saturday, June 15, 2024. Join us from 4-6pm on the lawn in front of the Little Five Points Community Center or in our room on the third floor if it's too cold or windy. We'll go eat somewhere closeby afterwards. Come join us! Note that we've moved our meeting from Sunday to Saturday this one week because that's World Juggling Day and Sunday is Father's Day.
Lists of performers, sponsors, volunteers, photos, videos and other details of the festival
Winners of the coveted PHIL trophies this year were:
"All-Star Special" - Lisa Komatsubara
"Best All-the-Way" - Joshua Spaugh and Erin Gettelman
"Flipping Phenomenal" - Jasper Murphy
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