Newspapers, Magazines and TV

We were featured on the Channel 11 TV show Atlanta & Company on June 14, 2019 at 11 am. DrewBob Ford, Brandon Ross, Shivella Schwab, Patrick Russell, Joshua and Caleb Black juggled balls and clubs, and unicycled. Meredith Gordon added his hat manipulation skills. Afterwards they talked about our World Juggling Day event on Saturday and our annual festival in February. See the video clip.

We were featured on the CBS Channel 46 show Plugged-In Atlanta on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016. DrewBob Ford, Brandon Ross and Patrick Russell juggled and talked about our upcoming festival.

We were featured in the Jan Feb 2015 issue of AJC's Intown Magazine. The article was called "Balancing Acts". They sent a photographer to our club meeting (see the photos) and also interviewed several of our club members over the phone.

We were featured on TV in July 2012 in the show "What To Do Around Atlanta".  Watch the short video that they produced about our juggling club.

We were featured on TV in 2007 in the weekly show "This Is Atlanta" on PBA channel 30.  Watch the 5-minute video that they produced about our juggling club and annual festival.